Friday, February 5, 2010

A trip to Toys R Us and Music Store

Yesterday, after picking up Ethan from school, i decided to bring to Toys R Us just for fun, no plan in buying toys for him. He was excited when he realized that I made a turn to that complex parking lot. Ethan recognizes directions. He immediately said: drum, mommy. Yes, the drum store is in the same plaza at as the Toys R us. But we're going to Toys R us 1st, then Music store.

At Toys R Us, Ethan was hooked up playing Thomas the train table set. Then we walked around the store, the next thing that interested him was ball. I told him that we're going to see balls, and he told me : "No kicking, okay?!". He somewhat reminded him self not to kick the balls inside the store. And indeed, he didn't kick any balls. He was just browsing around the ball sections. He saw basketball, football, baseball. I explained to him that Ethan has already had all those toys at home. He nodded his head. Then we went to cars rack where they have all these automobiles (fire trucks, garbage truck and etc making sounds and movement when we play them). Ethan was a bit afraid to hear the sound that's coming up from the trucks. He would then hold my hands. Then i told him, it's time to go. He walked to the front door and left the store.

One thing that Papi and Mami like about Ethan is he does not whine, wanting to buy toys if we go to target, walmart and toys R us. He would say to us: I want that one, I want this and that. But, that would be just it. We hope that he would continue to listen to us on the things that we say no and yes to.

After that we went to the music store. He would directly go to the drum section and looked for the drum sticks. He sat and played the mini drum. He tried different drum sets and played them. I videod him on my BB. Ethan was having fun playing drum for about half an hour. And then, he told me: "i'm done, no more". Then i said to him, let's go home. He walked to the front door and exited himself, again with no whining, eventhough i know how much he loves playing drum at that store. His behavior teaches me that if Ethan has enough playing with a toy or doing something, that means that he's done and ready to move on. It's better and easier that way rather than pulling Ethan from something that he was playing with and telling him to go home, we would then struggle with him since we wanted him to stop but he was not ready to stop yet.

Thank you Ethan for being good on our field trip today. For sure, it makes us want to take him to those places again seeing his good behavior.

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