Thursday, February 4, 2010

Things Ethan learns from Preschool

We noticed Ethan learns the following from school:

1. Table manner (eating slowly, holding his snacks with 2 hands & bite them 1 by 1)
2. Pulling up and down his pants when he needs to go potty
3. More vocabularies everyday (he mostly speaks in English but understands Indonesian when we speak Indonesian to him)
4. Telling his friends "Stop it" when they push or hurt him or take something that belongs to him.
5. Tells Papi and Mommy what happens at school.
6. Tell his teacher if his friend pushes him.
7. Hold scissor and cut
8. Focus on doing 1 thing for a longer period of time
9. Concentrating and finishing puzzle
10. Standing in line
11. Sings more songs
12. Tell story about Jonah and the whale
13. Fall asleep at school without his pacifier (still with paopei at home)
14. Open his shoes
15. Tell Papi and Mommy which teacher who "time-out" Ethan when he makes a mistake
16. Remembers his classmate's and teachers' names (Carol, Ester, Jennifer, Stephanie, Ting-Yui)
17. Ethan would tell us what happens at school when he remembers them over and over again.
18. Ethan has better hand coordination in doing craft (dealing with scissors and glue).
19. Ethan learns to be independent and to be on his own while Papi and Mommy is not around him.
20. Ethan learns to follow instructions and rules at school.

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