Friday, November 13, 2009

Eek...Poo Poo

I have been meaning to post this but have been forgeting to do so.

One night, before going to bed, Ethan told me that he wanted to Eek (Poo Poo). He was wearing diaper at that time since we were just about to go to sleep. Ethan jongkok and he started to ngeden. His face started to get red and he said:

Ethan: "Mommy, big eek"
Mommy: "Oya? big yah, Ethan?"
Ethan: "Keras"
Mommy: "Oya, keras? ngeden lagi"
Ethan: "Mommy, stuck."
Mommy: "Hah, eek stuck?"
Ethan: (Ngeden lagi)..."There you are", said Ethan happily
Mommy: "Are you done now? "
Ethan: "Ya, i'm done"

I was laughing thru all of this.

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