Monday, November 9, 2009

5th day of Preschool

Today, we are going to have Ethan do a full day at school, meaning he's going to nap at school.

Papi dropped him off at school in the morning as usual and I picked him up from work. I arrived there around 4:15pm. Noone was in the classroom. I asked the teacher and the kids were practicing for Christmas performance at the Chapel. I never went to the chapel, so Ms. Staci (The Acting Director) showed me the short cut to the Chapel. I was just standing by the front door of the chapel and i saw Ethan at the very front part of the Chappel (near the stage), i thought he didn't see me, but he did. He ran, cried a bit and hugged me. Then he showed me around the chapel and talked what he's been doing. Then we went back to his classroom for snacktime. The teacher asked me if Ethan wanted to eat his snack then go home, or go home right away. I told her to let Ethan have his snack first. He ate 1 slice of cantaloupe and 2 cookies.

Then, when i told him to go home, he didn't want to. He still wanted to stay in his classroom with me being with him. I thank God for his reaction, meaning that he began to enjoy his preschool. His teacher also told me that Ethan napped well, considering this was his 1st time napping at school. Then we said goodbye to his teacher and friends.

Thank you Lord for helping us on Ethan's 1st week of preschool. Ethan did good and we're so proud of him that he can adjust quite easily.

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