Monday, May 18, 2009

6 days away from turning 2 years old

Our sweet Ethan is turning 2 years old this Sunday, May 24th, 2009.

We are so excited to celebrate his 2nd birthday at Disneyland. We bought the 2fer ticket (buy 1 ticket for 2 entrance).

As Ethan approaches his 2nd year birthday, here's what we notice out of his development:

1. Playing with other kids (he starts to share his toys, play and show affectionate to younger kids). If he forgets, we'll remind him again and again.

2. Understands most of our conversation with him. We communicate better.

3. Follows our instructions and answers our questions correctly most of the time.

4. Still loves playing ball. He kicks hard with his right foot & kicks the ball up high in the air. He can do this with big and small balls.

5. Starts humming nowadays

6. Poses for the camera (silly, Ethan).

7. Takes off his shoes and takes down his pants.

8. Still drinks milk at night time. (I tried so many times but Ethan still needs his milk at least 1x/night)

9. Takes 2 1/2 hours nap time everday. If he gets really tired, he would nap for 3 hours.

10. Walks up the stairs by holding his milk bottle on 1 hand and up he goes. Walks down by holding the stair rail. But if he's in a hurry, he would be on his tummy strolling down the stairs.

11. Brushing his teeth with our help (it's quite a struggle to brush his teeth).

12. Repeats after us ALL THE TIME.

13. Remembers what snack that mommy gave Ethan a week before and asked for it again the week after that (it happened last Sunday at the Church). Mommy gave Ethan 'Astor' snack last week from Church kitchen cupboard while waiting for the mother's day performance to begin. When we were at the Church kitchen yesterday, Ethan asked me to open the kitchen cupboard as he remembered that Mommy gave him 'Astor' snack out of that cupboard last week.

14. Gets excited of things related to Birthday". He began to understand the meaning of 'Happy Birthday'. A birthday means there would be a b'day cake, blowing candle and saying happy bday. Ethan got excited when he celebrated Papi's and Mommy's B'day. He got excited when he saw the b'day cake. He blew the candle (with our help, of course), said 'happy bday' and gave us kisses. We can't wait to celebrate his 2nd b'day.

We thank God for His love, blessings and protection towards Ethan everday.

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