Friday, May 29, 2009

2nd year old check up

Ethan and I saw Ethan's new pedic doctor at Diamond Bar Kaiser Permanente Clinic yesterday for his 2 years old check up. We transferred from Baldwin Park to Diamond Bar since it's much closer to our house. I am so grateful for this new clinic which just opened last year. It makes my driving much more convenient.

Check up was good.
Height: 34.5" (50 - 70% growth percentile)
Weight: 33.2 lbs (95% growth percentile), Doctor told me to start giving Ethan 2% reduced fat milk since Ethan has gained a lot of weight over the last 6 months.

Doctor also ordered Ethan's 1st blood test for anemia. We went to the lab. The nurse that drew Ethan's blood was VERY unprofessional. To begin with, he made Ethan scared of him by the way he talked to Ethan. We needed to draw 2 tubes of blood. The 1st tube was fine and when we got to the 2nd tube somehow the blood was not flowing fast enough to fill the 2nd tube and Ethan was crying and struggling the whole time. The nurse began to pinch Ethan's upper arm expecting the blood to flow faster, didn't work. He somehow began to pull out the needle just a bit away, then inserted a bit deeper. THAT MUST HURT! Then after it's all finished, the nurse told me that the 2nd tube might not be enough. If it's not enough, Ethan has to go back and draw the blood again. Then he asked me if i wanted to have him take the blood one more time just in case the 2nd tube is not enought and i said: NO MY SON IS IN PAIN.

Ethan stopped crying as soon as I held him in my arms and walked away from the nurse. Ethan even said bye-bye to the nurse as we exited the lab room. My son can still be polite to him after that horrible blood draw experience.

At home, Ethan told Nai2 what happened.
Ethan: "Nai-Na..tung-tung (pain/hurt), Om (a man).." as he pointed to his left arm.
Translation: Nai-na....i'm hurt by a man.

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