Friday, April 30, 2010

Mommy, happy?

Lately, Ethan has been asking this question a lot:

"Mommy, Happy?"
"No wet on the pants, mommy"
"Yes, Ethan, Mommy happy if Ethan no wet on the pants"

And now, everytime he poops, he would get his blue or white potty, do his business and after he finishes, he would lay down on his back and get his two legs up on the air for me to wipe his bottom. Then he would ask me again: "Mommy, happy?", then i answer, "Of course, you did very good, mommy happy"

During night time, i always wake him up in the middle of the night for him to pee. With his eyes closed, he would ask me again, "Mommy, happy?".

Nowadays, if he does something that he knows that would make me mad (like, being messy when eating), he would right away ask me, "Mommy, happy?". If i tell him that mommy is sad since Ethan is being messy on the dinner table, he would response, "Mommy, happy please". Then i would smile to him and he smiles back at me. How could you stay mad if your son does that to you?

I love you Ethan. Thank you for making mommy happy and sad every day.

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