Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Beginner's Bible

Mommy purchased a book called "The Beginner's Bible" and we received the book last night. Ethan was so excited to open the box. Everytime he saw a box in front of our house, he would think that inside that box was a birthday present (we sometimes buy his toys online). That's why he thinks that way.

We opened the box and he was so happy that mommy bought him a Bible. He grabbed the book and browsed thru the pages. Not only that, he read the Bible. In his own version, by seeing the pictures on the book, he read the Bible to us.

One particular story that he loves so much is the story about Jonah and The Big Fish. He asks me over and over again, "where's the story about Jonah, mommy?" I'd then say, "it's on page 257. Look for page 257." Before going to bed, i told Ethan to bring the Bible to our bedroom. He asks me to read the Bible over and over again. It'd be a priviledge for us to read the Bible to him every night. Ethan won't be satisfied with 1 story only, he would ask for more and more and more :)

It's so joyful for us seeing Ethan's big interest in reading Bible Story. We hope that he would treasure His words since he was little until the rest of his life and always looking forward to hearing His words.

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