Monday, April 6, 2009

Early Reading

Last week, we discovered that Ethan started his early reading:

The Letter "O"
Nai-nai was giving Ethan a drink from a glass of water. She was bending down and suddenly Ethan said : "O" and pointed to the letter O that he saw on Nai-Nai t-shirt.

The Letter "M"
We were at LAX airport on 04/02/09, dropping off Papi for his business trip to Taiwan. After checking in & baggage screening, we went to the 2nd floor and walked around the food court. We bought Ethan a $.99 MacDonald ice cream. As he was running around in front of the MacDonald stand, he said "M" (he saw the MacDonald's logo and read it out loud).

1 comment:

Yohan said...

Amazing! Great job Ethan, Mom, Dad, and Nai-Nai who wears the letter O.